Chaudhry Ahsan Premee
Associated Press Service
ISLAMABAD:A seminar on “Media Ethics and Need for Press Council” was organized by Department of Media and Communication Studies (DMCS), IIUI at New Campus International Islamic University Islamabad. Prominent speakers including Chairman, Press Council of Pakistan Raja M. Shafqat Abbasi, former judge of Lahore High Court, Mr. Pervaiz Shaukat, President Federal Union of journalist (PFUJ), Mr. Afzal Butt, President Islamabad Press Club, Mr. Mateeullah Jan, Senior Journalist, Dr. Nabi Bux Jumani, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences and Dr. Zafar Iqbal Head of DMCS attend the seminar and express their views on the topic.
Chairman, Press Council of Pakistan Raja M. Shafqat Abbasi, Former judge, speaking on the occasion, said that Ethical Code of Practices has been finalized with the consciences of APNS, CPNE and PFUJ. He said Press Council of Pakistan is working day and night to improve media standards, so there should not be Ethical issue in Media at all. According to him Press Council of Pakistan is now fully functional. Mr. Abbasi said that media has played vital role in strengthening the democracy and creating the awareness among the society and PCP will strive for freedom of press, enforcement of the Ethical Code of Conduct. He said we have sent Ethical Code of Conduct to all press clubs and newspapers while asking to display the same in the respective organization.
Mr. Abbasi also highlighted the need for responsibilities amongst working journalist and as well as those who are becoming a part of this profession. He said that Media related institution are playing helpful role for improving journalist role in today’s media. He was of the opinion that conducting such seminar by Department Of Media and Communication Studies, IIUI is good and session like this should be continuing.
While talking to the audience Mr. Prvaiz Shaukat (President PFUJ) said that Freedom of Media rests on the will of the business minded owners/investors of the News Channels and Newspapers however the PFUJ is struggling to avoid malpractices in journalism.
Mr. Afzal Butt said that journalists are force to neglect Ethics by those who own their services. They have to report according to owners of newspapers or TV channels
Mr. Mateeullah Jan said it is not media alone who is responsible for all what is happening: ‘public demands also matters’. While at the end Dr. Nabi Dean Faculty of social sciences and Dr. Zafar Iqbal HOD Media and Communication Dep’t offered thanks to the guests of their participation and distributed souvenirs among the guests.