Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Kaira has said there would be no delay in coming elections and the government would consult all the stakeholders for the interim set-up to ensure free, fair and transparent polls. Kaira said that all the stakeholder, including political parties, judiciary, media and civil society wanted free, fair and transparent elections in the country.
The Minister said that according to the constitution, Interim setup would be establish through the systematic institutional procedure.
He added that Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has introduced the structural reforms within the constitution parameter to initiate the new interim setup.
Replying to a question, Kaira said that now democratic institution are mature enough to take political initiatives and decisions to hold free, fair and transparent election in the country.
He said that Parliament is supreme institution to follow the voice of common masses of the country and to maintain strong democracy in the country.
Kaira said that interim Prime Minister would be nominated with the consultation of leader of the house and leader of the opposition with consensus of all stakeholder, according to the constitution.
Replying to another question, he said that PPP did not believe in any conspiracy as the party had given scarifices for democracy.
He added that in past some of the institutions had bleak history to interfere in interim setup, which was against the democratic norms.
He urged the media to play a positive role to maintain conducive environment for free, fair and transparent election.
He said that the Chief Election Commissioner was appointed with the consensus of all political parties, who was fully committed to conduct free and fair polls.
Khair said that democratic government had followed democratic norms to promote culture of tolerance in country.
PPP has always respected the judiciary and its decisions, he added.